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Is long distance co-parenting realistic?

On Behalf of | Feb 21, 2022 | Divorce |

These days, the rate of divorce increases slowly but steadily as it has continued to do over the last decade. Along with it, rates of co-parenting and joint custody also continue to grow, compared to the sole custody that once held popularity in the past.

At the same time, more parents also move away from their ex-spouses and children after divorce. But is long-distance co-parenting actually feasible?

Communicating with children

Parents takes a look at other families that successfully manage to co-parent even when one lives far away. This type of situation can happen for many reasons, including a co-parent needing to move away to take care of an elderly or sickly relative, relocating or deploying to another country due to military status, or following necessary job relocation requirements.

In these situations, the best thing a co-parent can do is continue to stay in contact both with their children and ex-spouse. With children, it is important to set up something of a communication routine. This allows the parent to stay involved in their child’s life and stay at the forefront of their mind, while simultaneously increasing the chances to strengthen the parental-child bond.

Staying in touch with a co-parent

As for co-parents, communication serves as the most crucial aspect of successful cooperative co-parenting. Even when one parent moves away and remains at a distance, it is important that they stay on the same page with their ex-spouse. Have open lines of contact, discuss everything carefully and do not move forward with plans without speaking to one another.

To this end, technology fixes a lot of the potential issues here. Relying on technology can help to preserve relationships and communication, which is the primary hurdle distanced co-parents face.